The Green Up Strategic Plan - WHO ARE WE?
P.G.C.C. is a proud member of the 'Green Economy Peterborough', doing our part to target and reduce our environmental impact.
Peterborough Golf & Country Club
As one of the founding members of Green Economy Peterborough, the Peterborough Golf and Country Club (PG&CC) is the very first golf course and country club to join the 300+ business members that make up the Green Economy Canada network, setting an example to the industry.
PG&CC had initiated several projects at its operation when it decided to join Green Economy Peterborough. Committed volunteers, board members, and staff had begun work on a sustainability action plan, initiated green purchasing strategies, conducted a waste audit with Trent University students, started compostable waste collection, and conducted several member awareness and engagement projects.
"For the Peterborough Golf and Country Club, joining Green Economy Peterborough has been the catalyst we’ve needed to move towards a more sustainable operation", says Patty Macdonald of the Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Committee. "Through GEP, we have participated in a number of capacity-building workshops and have appreciated the opportunity to link with the Peterborough green network. We are currently completing the greenhouse gas inventory and look forward to using its findings to guide and build on our work to date.”